2023 Sinolion MTS0818 - Sinolion MTS0818 Mini Mobile Trommel Screen

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##### New 2023 Sinolion MTS0818 Mini Mobile Firewood Tumbler and Soil Trommel Screen with gravity discharge
##### Free Shipping East coast and Central USA. Discount for local pick up.
##### This machine is able to function as both a firewood tumbler and soil screener. If the mesh screen is removed, the bars underneath the screen work as a firewood tumbler. Use the bands to reinstall the mesh screen and it's a soil screener.
##### Comes standard with half inch screen but we have optional screens from quarter inch up to one inch.
##### MFG rated to maximum of 15 cubic yards per hour throughput working as screen. We tested as firewood tumbler and were able to get about 20 yards per hour through it even with very dirty firewood. See youtube test video below.
##### 66 inch x 33 inch main drum.
##### 82 inch wide infeed hopper loads at 85 inches high. If you have a mini skid steer that won't reach that high the hopper can be modified. The hopper is 82 inches wide at 85 inches high. If for example you had a mini skid steer with a 48 inch bucket. We can cut the hopper on the loading side to 60 inches wide and that would reduce loading height to 75 inches, alternately a small ramp of dirt beside the machine can help with load height.
##### Dependable and quiet electric powered. Main drum uses 240V and hopper vibrator is 120V. If you do not have access to 240 electric this can be paired with a 9000W Predator Generator sold by Harbor Freight for $799 or equivalent so long as has 30A 240V and 15A 120V power.
##### Operation tips. When used as a firewood trommel bark and sawdust falls out underneath and good firewood exits out the rear. For soil this is reversed with good product falling out underneath and oversize pieces exiting the end of the hopper. Their is a side discharge conveyor upgrade but using the gravity feed model you can run until the are underneath (about 28 inches clearance) is full and clean out with the loader or move the screen over to new location. The most efficient operation is to purchase a couple large concrete block available from most landscape supply companies and set the trommel on top of them. This gives more clearance and better separates the good material from the bad.
##### This firewood tumbler, soil screener is on wheels to move around on job site but not rated for highway travel.
##### One-year mfg. parts warranty.
##### Fully assembled, ready to work.
##### Demo photos in listing. Demo video coming soon.
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Heavy Equipment
Stock Number
Sinolion MTS0818 Mini Mobile Trommel Screen
Equip Earth-Mover